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Meetup #81 – Hack The Props

July 12, 2016 @ 12:00 am

July 12, 2016 | 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm | Ivy Bar+Kitchen, Burlington

Summer is here and so are the patios. Join us on Tuesday, July 12 – 7:00 pm at The Ivy in Burlington for an engaging outdoor networking meetup.

Normally at networking events, we get a bit too worked up coming up with a perfect elevator pitch each time we meet someone new. This time it’s going to be a little different.

We are introducing a new segment called “Hack the props” – a 30 minute super fun mind hack session. This will be a great opportunity to get to know your fellow members in the community and see them in action.

Participants will form groups who will then be given props to come up with a story line for a new futurist product. The props could be keywords hinting at a type of product or type of customer or type of problem. The finished storyline must contain all the props to form a story. The groups will present their story in a 30 second story format.

So come have fun and let your imaginations go wild! You’ll definitely take home more than a business card to remember.




About the Facilitator

Vinutha 150x150px

Vinutha Shanmukharadhya, Design Strategist


Vinutha is a passionate designer at the core of her work. She has worked with city administrations, grassroots organisations, startup ventures and architectural firms.

She has hands on experience in designing for the communities in the areas of program design & community engagement. Vinutha leverages her expertise in design thinking methods, collaboration techniques and research. She has the right skills to activate community participation and create engaging programs.


Join The Discussion Online


On LinkedIn Silicon Halton members can participate in a pre/post meetup converstion with the other attendees or interested members, in our private Linkedin group. Help make this meetup relevant to you.


Ivy Bar+Kitchen – 3330 South Service Road, Burlington



July 12, 2016
12:00 am
Event Category:

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