SekeyVincentSekey Vincent is the co-founder of Jelly Bean Solutions. Jelly Bean Solutions offers interactive web marketing and ecommerce solutions. Sekey is a member of Silicon Halton

Here’s what we talked about in this 15 minute interview:

Why the name Jelly Bean Solutions?

Sekey talks about what Jelly Bean offers and makes reference to some recent work including: Rosie’s Tea Party and the Williams Fresh Cafe Coffee Pub Franchise in Oakville.

Sekey describes what her experience has been like as a member of Silicon Halton and the value of joining this hitech community. So far it includes developing a new site for Silicon Halton member Digital Defence and a colaborative project with Mi6 called The Extreme Web Makeover Program.

Special Bonus: Off Air Question

Chris: Can you provide some insights on how companies can use the web today to help grow their business and be more successful? Sekey: Exposing your brand is an important marketing element of your business, but it can also take a long time to accomplish. It takes people a good 10-15 times seeing your logo and branded look before it might actually click in their heads, ‘oh, I’ve seen that before, hmmm, I wonder what they do?’ The familiarity that you are creating as you build recognition towards your brand will create better receptiveness towards using your products and services.

For those who are committed to their business, getting your brand right and share it early can give your company a competitive edge. Having a website allows your business to communicate information, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. The ability for someone to purchase your products or services on-line can be done any time of the day, and with minimal overhead. We have moved into an era where people want instant information and instant results. Websites provide that. When a business is not available on the internet, the marketplace for that business is limited by where it is available, when it is available, and who it is available to. Don’t limit your opportunities. Contact Jelly Bean Solutions for more information about developing your on-line business.

About the Interviewer

ChrisHerbertChris Herbert is the founder of Mi6. Mi6 is a B2B (Business to Business) marketing agency and network dedicated to helping companies build their brands and develop commercial relationships. He is the founder of ProductCamp Toronto and the new Hi-tech “unassociation” Silicon Halton. He tweets under the handle @B2Bspecialist

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