Artist Amanda Palmer’s recent Ted Talk is something I wanted to share with our community because much of what she has learned by taking risks and trusting people has shaped her experience as a musician and a human being.

She talks about the importance of making a connection with someone, of not being afraid (too proud) to ask and how quality experiences with people matters. She talks about how the “model” for making money for her music is different through the use of crowdfunding, passing the hat and asking people to help her and other bands be successful.

From my perspective, this approach to engaging with people, trusting people and asking them to help is key to building strong relationships and communities. In 2013 we’ll be asking our members what the future should look like for Silicon Halton and we’ll be passing the hat (crowdfunding) so we can continue to grow and give back to this amazing community of tech professionals, entreprepreneurs and fans of technology in Halton region. 

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